Sunday, April 19, 2009

40 to 70 in nothing flat

No, Not my Ford Focus . . . the weather. It really feels like spring and I love it. We worked in the yard on Saturday and accomplished some great projects. We have more to come, many many more projects to come. In the next couple of weeks we will be a Lowes preferred customer. We haven't had that made up status since we finished the basement.
Today, after church Mason said “it feels like a desert in our car.” Just wait buddy, ... we don't have central air. You have no idea. We savor the luxory of central air in stores and other family member's homes.
I haven't had the smashing success with the planters. We seem to do a great job of getting them to sprout and then killing them off just as fast. We do have a few thing that are coming along, just slower than I would like. It will be great to get the sunflower cups out of all the windows and get them planted. I'm afraid before long they will all die off too. The bush beans and the pumpkins look good. Tomatoes and green peppers look ok. Cucumbers are not doing well. Zinas and marigolds will survive, Hopefully the pansies will make it. (For crying out loud, . . . Mason tinks we are going to plant morning glory – One of his favorite flowers or should I call it a weed? , We had enough last year thanks, of coarse I didn't plant it, and it drove me crazy all summer long!)


  1. Ahhh, the thrill of gardening in the spring. Bert and I really miss being able to get our hands dirty. Good Luck

  2. I always had the same luck with seeds I planted in the house, I think we may be missing something.

  3. Before, you transplant the sunflowers outside do yourself a favor and while no one is watching go and plant seeds outside where you mean to plant the sunflowers. You are most likley go to have to start over anyways and this will give you a head start. Brandon has brought home a sinflower seeds in a cup since he started school 5 yeaars ago. and well not one has survived the transplant. so last year I cheated. I LOVE YOUR BLOG !!! It's great

  4. I have started my garden too, the peas are in the ground, but a lot more work to come.
    Love your blog, you look like a true scrapbooker. Susan
