Have you ever given someone a hard time just for argument sake? Not long ago my sister had a post on her blog about money. I gave her a hard time, the truth of the matter was. I wanted her to think about a few things and have a dialogue with her. Lately, …. I’m the one that’s been doing a lot of thinking about money.
Money, Money, Money SO, Here are the questions taken from:
If you had a million dollars By J Sewell.
1. Below what salary would you be embarrassed to tell people what your family made?
. . . I feel like this should have a number attached to it right? Regardless of income, if someone is trying their absolute best, shouldn’t that be good enough?
I guess the answer would be to: make less that the cost of your living expenses and bills. – whatever that amount would be.
2. Which do you think of more often sex or money?
3. If you spend time with a friend who has significantly less money, do you act differently?
This is the hard one – I would seriously hope that I would not act differently. An act is an act. The only thing worse than an act, is for someone to know that you are acting. I think there are plenty of people who are able to handle money, compassion, tact, warmth and love simultaneously.
4. If money were no object, where would you live?
I don’t need a larger home. I have a hard time keeping this one clean. Maybe a different location, I like living near my family. I do wish a particular friend lived a lot closer!
5. For you, is there a contradiction between religious faith and seeking financial wealth?
Why would there be? No apparently I don’t.
6. When parents write their will, should the child who has six children to raise get more than the child who has only one child to raise.
Wow this is a question that hits close to home. I only have one child. I don’t think that parents should have to owe their children anything upon death . . . However, What if a child has a disability, for what ever reason they are unable to provide for themselves and their family. What then?
7. What would you pay to know the exact date and time you will pass away? Would you share this information? I wouldn’t pay a lot, if anything. I’m frugal, but death does bother me. Sometime’s more than others. Who would take care of Hubby and little Bug? Yes, hubby could remarry (sigh). . . but what about little Bug? I always want to care for him. (Not in the always always sorta way . More like until you grown up sorta way.) Just today I was behind a construction truck on the freeway. The thought came to me what if that huge ladder slipped of the truck and went right through my windshield – I’d be a goner. I changed lanes! No, I don’t think that I would share it. That would seem awkward … Hum, Tomorrow is it. I wouldn't want people to look at me an think , "she is a goner tomorrow." How many more tears would be shed – I love you said – future plan discussed. I would want to spend individual quality time with all of my family and friends so I could tell them that I loved them and what they meant to me. With out saying “Keep Thursday open, looks like rain.”
8. Who spends more on frivolous items, you are your husband?
Hubby, spend more, although I spend my fair share. There is something about a good old book.
9. A friend files for divorce, asking for more than half of the assets because her spouse cheated on her. Fair? Regardless, Divorce strikes me as something that is never fair. Money is unable, in my opinion, to compensate for the emotional toll that situation would have on someone. Money would only bring a degree of satisfaction, it wouldn't restore true happiness.
10. When has money been an obstacle to your well-being?
When I was in college I ate peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches for 6 weeks straight every meal. There wasn’t a lot of money at home and I hadn’t been as wise with my grant money as I should have been.
How about You?
A Hope post
6 years ago
I wish I could give you a hard time, but I love your answers. By the way I have had the internet for maybe a total of five hours in the last seven days, the DSL, guy is on his way and my internet is suddenly working! ARGH